High Pressure Technologies - Leading Supplier of Maximator® Products

High Pressure Technologies offers over 30 years of engineering experience in providing solutions for high pressure applications for gas, liquid, and air. We are a leading supplier of high pressure equipment and specialize in distributing the Maximator® range of Air Driven Liquid Pumps, Air Amplifiers, and Gas Boosters. Furthermore, Maximator® has a complete line of low, medium, high and ultra-high pressure valves, fittings and tubing rated to pressures up to 150,000 psi. Maximator® has been a Market Leader in High Pressure Equipment for over 50 years. High Pressure Technologies utilizes Maximator® pumps and boosters to ensure that our customers are provided with State Of The Art Technical Know How, Quality, Reliability and a World Leading Supplier of High-Pressure Equipment.

Experts in Maximator® Products

In addition, Maximator® Gas Boosters, Air Driven Liquid Pumps and Air Amplifiers provides High Pressure Technologies a comprehensive range of standard and custom systems. All air driven high pressure systems are built specific for the application, ensuring that each requirement is met. Our Air Driven Liquid Pump systems provided can be designed as power packs, test carts, pump skids and test benches. Our Gas Booster Systems can be used with most industrial gases commonly consisting of carbon dioxide, hydrogen, helium, oxygen and nitrogen and are designed to be bottle mounted, skid mounted, cart mounted or as a bootstrap. Air Amplifier Systems can be skid mounted or mounted on a tank. Maximator® systems are used throughout all industries covering a vast array of applications. Examples are Aerospace, Automotive, Space, Military, Oil & Gas, Energy, Petrochemical, Gas Manufacturer, Diving, Pharmaceutical, Robotics, Fire & Safety, etc.. and used for applications such as Gas Assist Injection Molding, Leak or Pressure Testing, Gas Cylinder Charging & Scavenging, Accumulator Charging, Fluid Power, Water-jet Cutting, boosting shop airline pressures, charging oxygen life support systems, airline ground support and many more.

We Repair & Service all Maximator® air driven high pressure equipment and in addition we service many other types of manufacturers of Air Driven Liquid Pumps, Air Driven Gas Boosters and Air Amplifiers. HPT also provides a rental service for our gas booster and liquid pressure test systems.

Mission Statement

High Pressure Technologies is committed to developing long term customer relationships, providing quality products and service to each and every one of its customers.

Dedicated to delivering both Superior Products and Customer Service our experienced staffs are committed to provide you with real and timely solutions. High Pressure Technologies is able to offer immediate shipment in most cases for all standard products.

Maximator Products

Slide Air_Pressure_Amplifiers Air Pressure Amplifiers boost flow of air pressure at work stations and pneumatically operated machinery from 30 psi to 4,350 psi. Slide Maximator Air Driven Gas Boosters are suitable for the oil free compression of gases and air from 30 psi to 36,000 psi. Air Driven MTIG Gas Booster System Slide High Pressure Liquid Pumps are capable to increase output pressures from 500 psi up to 100,000 psi. High_Pressure_Pumps

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